This picture pretty much sums up my day. Since I was up super late last night, I've felt pretty exhausted all day. I've been fighting sleep, and also fighting what I'm fairly certain are upcoming PMS issues. It's a fun time coming up for the rest of the world with that! I've felt alternately lonely and disheartened, depending upon the wind chill factor. I haven't bothered brushing my hair or getting dressed. Fuck you, pants, I'm taking a personal day.
I'm trying to reevaluate my worth as a person, and my importance in the lives of my friends. I haven't quite figured either out. It's making me quite sad. I want to believe I mean more to people than I feel like I do, but I'm really, seriously doubting it. The problem I encounter more often than not is that, while I'm incredibly, amazingly hesitant to let people into my little sphere of reality in a more in-depth way, when I actually do, I do it wholeheartedly, and that winds up leaving me hurt and sad more often than not. I'm thinking I should stick to the pushing people away for the time being to save my sanity, and the wee bits of feelings I have left.
Somehow, I've been talked into writing for a political website. I'm not even sure what the shit I'm supposed to be writing, really, and I'm not getting paid, which is all kinds of bull, but eh. I also have a couple of articles I should be writing that are due next week, but I'm a super slacker. I need to try doing two to three of these a day, but holy crap. So lazy. And in further meh news for the day, I went to get a Slim Jim out of the container and the wrapper was empty. Then I reached for another, and
that one was empty too! What the hell, Slim Jim. You owe me about 75 cents for the missing ones. Don't think I'll forget.