I wish it had been more snow, and also that it was still snowing, but beggars can't be choosers. And even though SOME people have to try and ruin my snow day by talking about blizzards and snow plows (insert glaring here), I'm still pleased that we got anything at all, no matter how little it is by comparison.
The first time I woke up, however, was less thrilling. The old lady from the previous entry? She was kicking at my door like she was the po-po. I was very confused and opened the door a crack, and she attempted to bumrush her way in. Fun fact: old people are strong as hell. When I tried to inform her that this was my apartment and not hers, and that I would not, in fact, get out of my own apartment, she proceeded to howl, "GET OUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!" Not long after the howling began, the apartment manager showed up to yell about the old lady's yelling and telling her to leave me the hell alone. I called her brother-in-law again and informed him he was needed, so I assume he came, since it's been quiet. I, however, went the hell back to sleep.